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  • Writer's pictureKelly O'Halloran

Summer Look Makeup Tutorial

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Since quarantining and working remotely in my NYC Apartment starting in March, I've worn a significantly less amount of makeup. No longer am I attending morning gym classes, showering, blow drying my hair, and applying make up in my gym at 30 Rock, and then walking across the street feeling fresh and fully awake to my office on 33rd floor. When quarantine first began, I sluggishly rolled out of bed, put on my contacts, brushed my teeth and opened my computer looking pale and tired.

It was by no means a healthy way to start the day.

But, for the past month, in my new NYC apartment as of July 2020, I've gone on 30 minute walks every morning with my roommate, made coffee, showered, and put on makeup to feel like an actual human being before work. It's made a huge difference in my stress levels and maybe even productivity.

This makeup tutorial is not necessarily something I would do before work. It's more of a look for before I go out to grab drinks (once the restaurants in NYC opened up in June). But, I can say putting on any type of makeup, especially in a time like now, provides that same alive, happy, social feeling that we all crave.

So, take a look at my Summer Look Makeup tutorial!

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